September 2020 Meeting Notes
The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Ferrell.
Treasurer’s Report:
Brenda L provided a handout. Very little change since August.
New Business:
Liz P wanted to know if we wanted to do a concession stand for the barrel races ( Friday Night Lights).
It was also discussed to have a cookout for the youth buckle series on the 27th.
The ac unit is still in the window and needs to be taken out.
Ron & Don provided an invoice with nothing on it since there was no fair this year. A motion was made by Brenda L and seconded by Donna B to pay $100 to Ron & Don for their trash services. Motion carried.
Brenda L asked how much we needed to pay the church individuals who helped with the Rodeo. Motion was made by Katie L and seconded by Brenda L to pay the church individuals.
Aggie M mentioned that the saddle club should send a thank you to the FFA students for helping with the rodeo.
Dentist Review – Donna B reported the dentist day went alright. Some horses gave the dentist a hard time. Some people have also asked for another dental date. Erin G is a trainer and also an equine dentist. She offered to give a demonstration on loading horses for $75. Personal training was also offered for $50. She will be back October 3rd for the dental day and training. She also charges $40 for teeth cleaning. Aggie M made a motion for the club to pay the $75 for the demonstration. Brenda L seconded it. Motion carried.
Adult Buckle Series – They will have 3 days. September 27th and October 11th are the next dates. The calendar is also correct for the youth buckle series.
July 6th – 10th is the fair dates for 2021.
New Business:
Todd H want to do steer mugging. No spectators, just wants to rent the arena for a night or two.
Friday night lights have been using the lights at the arena but have not paid for them yet.
The Christmas Party: Katie L requested that it not be hosted at the legion due to a space issue. Brenda L said we could ask them if we could rent the larger room for more space.
Brenda L mentioned about sponsoring a buckle for the CPRA. There was a motion by Katie L to sponsor two buckles. Seconded by Brenda L. Motion carried. The rodeo will be October 2-4.
Katie L suggested adding a kids rodeo with next year’s fair. It would have mutton Justin, dummy roping, stick horse races, and pull the ribbon from the goat’s tail. The club suggested she add it to her mutton bustin’ day.
Motion to adjourn was made by Brenda L. Seconded by Donna B.
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