September 2017 Meeting Notes
President Ritchie Farrell called the meeting to order. The minutes were read and approved. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported the checking and savings. The report from the Annual Rodeo was reviewed.
Ranch Rodeos were discussed with a possibility of hosting 3 or 4 next year.
The trees were cancelled.
Youth Buckle Series
Use leftover supplies from the High School Rodeo at the first Buckle Series. Lance Lagasse suggested adding a roping type of event to the Youth Buckle Series. It was suggested to add on instead of replacing an event. A walk/trot category was discussed but ultimately decided against. Donna Barleen asked about a budget for prizes (all participants receive a prize) and was told to purchase whatever was reasonable.
Fall Fest
We still need a clean up crew, but otherwise plan to ride.
Equine Dentist
Saturday, October 14, Ed McCarty will be out to manual float 12-14 horses. Kevin Claridge, farrier, and Glenda Willis, equine massage therapist, will also be there.
The added money ($300) will go to sponsor a CPRA Final trophy.
Lance made a motion to donate $200 to Rick Croissant’s GoFundMe page. Terry Greer seconded it and the motion passed.
The NCK Saddle Club was invited to ride in the Glasco Fun Day Parade on Saturday, October 7. Registration is at 9:15 am and the parade begins a 10:30 am.
The Annual Party was discussed.
The meeting was adjourned.
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