June 2018 Meeting Notes

The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Terry Greer. The minutes were read with one correction: Aggie Moore found the Rodeo Entertainer. Treasurer, Brenda Lagasse, reported the checking and savings. We received $710 from Sam Dorman’s memorial.
Old Business
The tractor is having some trouble. We will have someone look at it soon.
New Business
We need new timers. Aggie & Lance will research prices for Farmtek roping and barrel timer.
EKHA Show: we will need to work the arena each morning. Concession stand for breakfast and lunch.
7/7 is Ed McCarty (there is a waiting list)
Work nights 6/19 at 6:00, 7/10 at 6:00, and 7/17 at 7:00 to put up panels.
7/3 at 9:00 for Ice Cream Social, Monthly Meeting, and City Fireworks. Ice Cream will be provided, but bring cookies and brownies.
Lance Lagasse made a motion to have Charles and Laura Hansen perform the Closing Ceremony. Aggie seconded and the motion passed.
Brenda Losh made a motion to find a place for the American Freedom Riders in the Rodeo. Lana Stolzenburg seconded, but the motion failed.
Rodeo Committee meeting will be held Monday, June 25 at 6:00 pm in Lance’s office.
The meeting adjourned.