June 2017 Meeting Notes

President Ritchie Farrell called the meeting to order. The minutes were read with the correction of five trees for the price of two at a total of $607.40. A power line was hit and will need to be fixed. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported the checking and savings.

The Fire Department donated $50 to the Rodeo to the event of Eric Voss’s choice. Scott Hay paid for the Jody Hay Memorial Events of Bareback Bronc Riding, Saddle Bronc Riding, and Bull Riding totaling $300.


Showmanship Clinic will be the afternoon only (due to little interest) Brenda will bring hot dog buns and condiments.Ron Erickson will bring a pony and cart for the driving demo at 11:00 am.

Lance Lagasse arranged to move the bleachers from the Sports Complex to the fairgrounds.

Ice Cream Social is Monday, July 3, at 8:00 pm. Bring bug spray!

Trail Ride is Sunday, July 11, at 1:30 pm.

Note to Club Members: Please do not ride in the arena when it is wet. It packs it down and will eventually make it a slick and dangerous surface to ride.

Rodeo Committee will meet Monday, June 26, at 7:00 pm in Lance’s office.

KJRA will be Saturday, August 12, through Sunday, August 13. We will run the concession stand.

Josh Cornet expressed interest in running a Ranch Rodeo. Possible dates are Saturday, August 5; Saturday, August 26; Saturday, September 2; or Saturday, September 9.

It was noted that the NBHA did not pay for the use of the arena for their event in May. We will have someone follow up.

Terry Greer made a motion that we go home. Brenda Lagasse seconded it and the meeting adjourned.