July 2018 Meeting Notes

The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read and approved. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported the checking and savings.

Old Business

Terry Greer made a motion to buy timers out of the treasury. Brenda Lagasse seconded and the motion passed. It was discussed about where to store them and taking out the batteries when not in use. Also the grill needs to have the batteries taken out when stored for the winter.


Work Night 7/10 at 6:00 pm to finish the North side bleachers.
Work Night 7/17 at 7:00 pm to set up panels with hot dogs to follow. Mow beforehand to avoid having to mow around the panels.
Ed McCarty on 7/7 at 11:30 am at the Fairgrounds over by the horse stalls.
Trail Ride 7/8 at 1:30 pm across from the Missile Silos
Rodeo Queen Contest 7/23
Grand Entry Practice 7/23
Kyra Voss Memorial Roping and Barrel Race 8/12
Ranch Rodeo 8/25

We need ticket takers and have the announcer to ask that spectators refrain from smoking in the stands.

The meeting adjourned.