February 2019 Meeting Notes
The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read and approved. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported the checking and savings.
When Aggie Moore picked up the key from the Chamber of Commerce, they informed us that moving forward to use the office for our meeting will cost $50 each meeting or join the Chamber for $100 a year. Brenda Lagasse made a motion to join the Chamber for $100 a year. Debra Hubert seconded it and the motion passed.
Brenda received a letter asking if we wanted to sponsor 4-H trophies this year. Brenda made a motion to sponsor 4 4-H Horse Show trophies. Debra Hubert seconded it and the motion passed.
Carrie Stensaas and Lisa Morehead are wanting to put on a Jackpot Barrel Race consisting of six races (5/13, 5/17, 5/31, 6/14, 7/5, and 7/19). They were wanting to work a deal with the price and tractor. Lance Lagasse made a motion to allow Lisa and Carrie to use the arena for $50 a night and for them to use our equipment to work the arena and for them to join the club.
Erica Wolf was wanting to schedule two NBHA races one is 5/18 and the other is yet to be decided. They would need a tractor driver for the day and for the arena to be worked the day before. Lance Lagasse made a motion to allow them to rent the arena for the regular price and we will provide a tractor driver.
Donna Barleen got a date for the Annual Health Fair for 4/6 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned.
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