February 2009 Meeting Notes
The NCK Saddle Club met at the Chamber office. President Scott Studt called the meeting to order at 8:05 pm. There were nine members and three guests present.
The minutes from January were read and approved. The treasurer’s report showed the checking and savings. Bills were paid to Prairie Land Electric and dues to the Kansas Horse Council.
Committee Reports: Scott reported that Maggie will help with concession stands this year, but does not want full responsibility like she had last year. Scott had talked to Lance to confirm that the Rodeo dates were set with Jimmy Crouthers.
Aggie reported having made arrangements with Crystal Bowser and Tammy Forshee for each of them to hold clinics at the arena. Tammy will hold a Basic Riding Clinic on April 18th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm with a rain date of May 9th. The cost for participants will be $20.00 a rider. She would like a minimum of five riders. She will do up her own flyer and pass it on to us to help advertise. Tammy would like to do a more advanced clinic later possibly on rollbacks and sliding stops.
Crystal Bowser will hold a Basic Barrel Clinic on May 2nd from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. She will charge $25.00 per rider and would like a minimum of three riders. A rain date was set for June 13th. Crystal will also do her advertising and pass it on to us.
These clinics are not fundraisers. We will need to work the arena and provide an occasional person at the gate and someone to set up barrels.
Unfinished Business: Justin Brown gave a report on his Senior Project. His plans are to replace seven boards on the Northwest set of bleachers. He will also paint 55-gallon drum barrels for trash cans and attach them to the bleachers. The cost of materials will be paid by the Club. Labor will be free. Charlie suggested we might want to use scrap metal to put over the bolts to help with the rotting around the bolts. Justin would also like to do five separate hours of community service mowing and weed eating around the arena.
New Business: Charlie will host a trail ride Sunday the 8th at 1:30 pm across from the Missile Silo.
Scott will be checking on the possible purchase of used timers from either Larry Morehead ro the Washington Saddle Club.
The Cloud County Rodeo Team sent Dani Wilson, President and their Vice President to talk to us about their plans for a Pony Express Ride as a fundraiser for college scholarships. They asked riders who will pledge $10.00 a mile with a maximum of 3 miles per horse and for use of the arena following the ride from Hanover to Concordia, which is expected to go from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Dani would like to hold a barrel race or a fun day after the ride and have a meal for the participants of the ride. Several members committed to riding and asked for further information to be passed to them. We agreed to allow them use of the arena on April 11th with a rain date of April 25th.
It was decided the March trail ride will be a practice three mile run for those interested in the Pony Express Ride. The May ride will be a river ride.
We voted to pay our insurance policy the same as last year. it was thought that the price went up somewhat, but not enough to be a problem.
A motion was made and passed to hold both age groups of Junior Barrels both nights of the Rodeo. Entry fees will be $10.00 with a 50% payback. The other half will go toward the purchase of the belt buckles.
We discussed briefly concerns of the Fair activities conflicting with the Rodeo and decided to leave it to the Rodeo Committee when they meet with Fairboard members.
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