April 2018 Meeting Notes
The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read with the addition of June 23 & 24 is our EKHA Horse Show. There was no Treasurer’s report. Old Business There is a Trail Ride in …
The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read with the addition of June 23 & 24 is our EKHA Horse Show. There was no Treasurer’s report. Old Business There is a Trail Ride in …
The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read and approved. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse reported the checking and savings. The Rodeo Committee reported from their meeting. They are still looking for a rodeo clown. Lance …
The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes for January were read and approved. The checking and savings account balances were reported. It was decided to pay for two years of trophies to the 4-H club …
The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. There were no minutes read and the checking and savings were reported. Aggie Moore made a motion to keep and pay our insurance. Donna Barleen seconded and the motion passed. …
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