April 2023 Meeting Notes
..Minutes April 4, 2023
The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. Secretary Marleen Parker read the minutes, which were approved as read. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse gave the Treasurer’s report, whichwas approved as read. We received $1200 from the Bob Nelson Memorial..
Committee Reports:
Activities: Donna contacted the Equine dentist and date is set for Oct 14 . Marleen will send out a reminder for Discount days at Tallgrass Vet April 1-30. Charlie will have trail rides April 9 and May 14 on the usual second Sunday of the month. Lance will need gate help at the kid’s barrel races on May 20th.
Rodeo: Sponsorship money continues to come in. CO-OP sent their $1500 check.
Drill Team: The Drill Team is practicing Friday nights. Aggie has 15 riders participating.
Fair: The Drill Team has been asked to perform Friday evening, July 21, at the Fair. The Concordia FFA will use our Arena for Mutton Busting on Saturday morning July 20th . The Open horse Show will be Sunday, July 23, and the 4-H show will be Friday July 21. We will again sponsor 4-H Horse Show trophies.
Arena report: The tractor is running, the Arena has been worked. Ritchie will work the practice Arena. We will need to start mowing and spraying soon.
Other: There will be a concession stand at the CYRA Rodeo June 10-11. Basic menu will be the same as last year. We will need volunteers to help make breakfast burritos, cook hamburgers, and run the concession stand.
Old Business:
The work on the Crow’s Nest has not yet started.
NBHA Barrel races will be May 20 . There will be 2 Barrel races on May 20, starting at 11 am and 2:00 pm. Lance is sponsoring calf roping and barrel races on June 17 with youth age divisions.
We should know about the Modern Woodmen grant in May.
We do not yet have the PayPal account set up.
Wording for the signs at each end of the Arena will need to be finalized.
New Business:
Our first work day will be April 15. This is a Saturday. Hopefully we can get some early spraying done, and some trash pick up around the Arena. If we have enough help, we might be able to do more.
Brenda has ordered a new Rodeo sign for south of town, but it will take time to get here- we may have to paint the sign in the interim.
It was moved and seconded that we pay $40 for EKHA dues. Motion passed.
Robert Wright and Amanda Beam from Jewell, KS introduced themselves and Robert talked about possible clinics and events he would like to sponsor. Members asked questions. Robert was provided a copy of the Arena Rules.
The meeting adjourned.
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