March 2017 Meeting Notes

The meeting was brought to order by Vice President Terry Greer. The minutes from February were read and approved. Treasurer Brenda Lagasse read the checking and savings.

Aggie Moore informed the Club that the 4-H can’t use panels for the stalls at the fair because of liability.

Tammy Forshee said they found a project for this year.

Brenda Lagasse confirmed the dates for the KJRA are August 12 and 13. We will need volunteers for a concession stand and to take gate money. For the High School Rodeo we will need to get a group to run the concession stand.

The FFA will be running the concession stand for the Kyra Voss Memorial Roping and Barrel Race on May 13th.

It was discussed to invite Ed McCarty out, if there is enough interest, on Saturday, October 14.

The Youth Buckle Series will begin on Sunday, September 17, and continue every other weekend for four weeks.

Jake Weaver will host a clinic on Saturday, June 10.

Vet/Farrier Day is Saturday, April 8. The prices will be the same as last year.

Eric Voss made a motion to purchase the belt buckles for the Youth Buckle Series, Rodeo Queen, Junior Barrels, and the Kyra Voss Memorial Roping and Barrel Race. The motion was seconded by Brenda Lagasse and the motion passed.

The meet adjourned.