June 2016 Meeting Notes

The meeting was called to order by President Ritchie Farrell. The minutes were read and with changes of $500 instead of $5,000 and $750 not $700. The checking and savings were reported.

Many Rodeo sponsors have paid, many still out. The CHS Booster Club was excited to run the concession stand at the Rodeo.

Work Night Projects:
The shelves are half installed and boards need to be replaced on the south bleachers.

The southwest gate to the arena was padlocked to keep horses off the gravel around the concession stand.

Lance wants to have a stripping alley instead of a stripping chute.

Activities Committee

6/11 Obstacle Challenge (come and go as you please)
6/12 Trail Ride at the Missile Silos
6/13 Rodeo Committee Meeting at Lance’s building
7/3 Fireworks Potluck at 7:30 pm
7/5 Monthly Meeting
7/9 Open Horse Show (Crystal Bowser is judging)
7/10 Monthly Trail Ride

Amber Coons will paint the Rodeo highway signs.

The meeting adjourned.